Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law


DUIs In Albany, Georgia

Simply put, no one wants to be charged with a DUI. No matter the type of DUI or the circumstances in which you were arrested, being charged with a DUI in Albany, Georgia is very serious, and can have very serious repercussions.

What Is Considered A DUI In Georgia?

In Albany, GA and throughout the State of Georgia, DUIs are defined as being in control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, with any amount of illegal drugs in your system, and/or with an elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Georgia defines an elevated blood alcohol concentration (BAC) differently for different drivers. Blood alcohol concentration is considered elevated at:

  • .08% for the average non-professional driver of legal drinking age (21 years old and older)
  • .04% for drivers of commercial vehicles
  • .02% for drivers under the legal drinking age (i.e., 20 years old and younger)

Importantly, anyone found with an elevated blood alcohol concentration is considered impaired. With an elevated BAC, arresting officers do not have to prove impairment to arrest you.

What Are The Penalties For A DUI In Georgia?

If you are convicted of a DUI in Albany, Georgia, potential penalties—all of which can severely impact your life—depend on whether you have prior convictions within the past 10 years. While first through third offense DUIs are misdemeanor offenses, they still have serious consequences.

First Offense DUIs can result in:

  • A minimum of 20-40 hours community service (depending on BAC)
  • Fines of $300-$1,000
  • 10 days to 12 months in jail, with at least 24 hours spent in jail minimum

Second Offense DUIs can result in:

  • A minimum of 30 full days of community service
  • Fines of $600-$1,000
  • 90 days to 12 months in jail, with at least 72 hours spent in jail minimum
  • Mandatory drug or alcohol risk reduction program

Third Offense DUIs can result in:

  • A minimum of 30 full days of community service
  • Fines of $1,000-$5,000
  • 120 days to 12 months in jail, with at least 15 days spent in jail minimum
  • Mandatory drug or alcohol risk reduction program

All DUI offenders also get at least a year of probation (from which time spent in jail is often but not always subtracted), as well as mandatory alcohol and drug evaluation, and any recommended treatment. Any two DUI convictions within five years will result in mandatory surrender of an offender’s license plates, while three DUI convictions in five years will result in forfeiture of the offender’s vehicle.

In addition, aggravating factors can elevate DUI charges to a felony, which usually means at least one year or more in prison (in addition to other potentially life-long consequences). These factors include:

  • Having three or more prior DUI convictions within the past 10 years
  • Causing serious harm or death to another person
  • Fleeing an officer.

Do Georgia Duis Have Any License Or DMV Consequences?

Yes—in addition to the penalties mentioned above, every Albany, Georgia DUI can have major consequences for your license, which vary from 12-month license suspensions to permanent license revocations.

I Am Facing A DUI In Albany, Georgia. What Should I Do?

If you are facing DUI charges, you are going to need an experienced, knowledgeable Albany, Georgia DUI attorney to advocate for you. The right DUI attorney can make all the difference in your case and will give you the best possible chance at getting your charges reduced or even dismissed.

You can find the right attorney for your Albany, Georgia DUI case at Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law. Attorneys Phillips and Nemajovsky are tenacious, highly skilled defense attorneys ready to go to bat for their clients. Don’t gamble on your future. Call today for an initial consultation on your case.

Phillips & Nemajovsky, P.C. Attorneys at Law

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(229) 808-8180

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